My mummy is very sad today. My daddy hired people to drill a hole in Boaz's paddock in the hopes of finding water. We are in a serious drought down here in Tassie and poor Boaz hasn't had any fresh grass in ages. He goes through 2 bales of lucerne hay a week, approx 100 bales a year. Now I'm no good at maths but at $12 per bale, mummy says it costs her $1200 a year just on lucerne hay and that's not including grass hay at $8 a bale, chaff at $38 a bag & pellets at $25 a bag.
Daddy was hoping to find water in a boar so then they could have sprinklers and grow Boaz some grass. Not to mention also water so they can have showers and do laundry & give me baths too.
The drilling company charge $145 per metre they have to drill and today they drilled down 70 metres and still did not find any water so my daddy lost alot of money with nothing to show for it but a big old hole.
The water diviner daddy hired to come out and tell him where to drill said they'd strike water between 52 and 64 metres down. He charged $200 to give us this information (95% success rate) and he was wrong.
I'm glad I'm not a human. Life sucks for them sometimes.
Anyway here is a pic of them drilling and my dad's redundancy money from Blundstones going down the toilet, or should I say hole.

Notice how low the dam is on the far right. Once upon a time, a long time ago, it used to be full.
I wonder where the silver lining could be?