Wishing all my doggy pals a very Merry Christmas.
I know I haven't been around in a long time but I hope to see you all in the New Year while mummy is on holidays with me.
Love you and miss you all
1. The person who tagged you.
Jackson & Patrick
2. His or her site title and URL?
The Puppy Dog Blog
3. Date you were tagged
May 22 2009
4. Persons you tagged
I was away so have no idea who already received this award so if you did not and would like it then please accept it from me.
The rules:
1. Post it to the blog and link to who gave it to you.
2. List seven things you love.
3. List seven blogs you love.
4. Comment on those blogs and let them know you’ve given them the award.
7 Things I love:
1. Playing with my ball
2. Snuggling with my mum
3. Going on walks
4. Rawhide treats
5. Eating the stuffing outta my toys
6. Going to new places with my mum
7. Making new friends