Hugo tagged me. This is my very first one and I'm very excited. He tagged me to play 7x7.
What I have to do is give 7 answers to 7 questions. Hmm I hope it's not gonna be too hard.
Here I go.
7 things I plan to do before I die
1. Play with Sweep all day long.
2. Become a T.V star.
3. Get a girlfriend.
4. Be able to run around freely off leash.
5. Be able to fight whatever dog I want.
6. Be allowed to chase the cat. (he doesn't like me)
7. Grow into my huge ears (somehow I think that's impossible)
7 things I do now
1. I get to wear beautiful outfits from my fav store Petitude.
2. I am a supermodel.
3. I get to play fetch with mummy 3 times a day.
4. I get to play tug-of-war with mummy once a day.
5. I get to go on a walk everyday, on a leash.
6. I get to go everywhere mummy goes.
7. I get to sleep in mummy's bed sometimes.
7 things I can't do
1. I can't get to run off and visit my friends when I want.
2. I can't be bigger than Boaz.
3. I can't play with Sweep all day long.
4. I can't ever be a father.
5. I can't go into restaurants
6. I can't do many tricks
7. I can't be friends with everybody I meet.
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex
1. The size of her ears (I like em long)
2. The size of her body (have to be small)
3. The amount of fur (I love em fluffy, more to bite into)
4. The eyes (They have to be alert & shiny)
5. Smell (She has to be bathed often, don't like stinky)
6. Her attire (I like my gal nicely dressed)
7. Her voice (I don't like yappy)
7 things I say most often
1. Grrr, give me attention NOW.
2. Grr, give me food NOW.
3. Grr, I want to play NOW.
4. Sigh, I'm worn out and need to rest.
5. Sigh, I'm quite content to just stay on your lap and sleep mum.
6. Woof, can I play with you?
7. Woof, woof, wanna be friends?
7 Celebrities I admire
1. Tinkerbell (Her famous mum gave her away cuz she got too big, that's mean)
2. Sweep the Superdog (from the sooty show)
3. Odie from the Garfield Movie. (I know just how he feels cuz Prince cat treats me the same way)
4. Gizmo from the Gremlins movie (I'm named after him ya know)
5. Sid from Ice Age. (He's so odd he's cute)
6. Nala from the Lion King (when she was a cub)
7. The chihuahua from the Wendy's shakin' dog commercial.
7 friends I pass this along to
Well I did it and it wasn't too hard at all. Now it's your turn.