She was born on Halloween 6yrs ago so anything is possible.
I think I better keep a close eye on her. Thankfully my mum is babysitting her why she's home from school so I won't take my eyes off her for a moment and lets all keep our paws crossed she doesn't turn into a chicken.
I hope Meaghan gets better soon and she will not turn into a chicken!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
OOOh I hope she doesn't turn into a chicken!!! Chickens and I just don't get on!
Gee... I really hope she does not turn into a chicken... (then again, it can be her costume for Halloween??)
Hope she gets well soon!
Chicken pox...crikey that doesn't sound like much fun.
Noah xx
Thanks a lot for your compliment !
Hope you have a fun filled weekend !
Lots of Loves,
Three Musketeers
oh no! chicken pox is not fun! we witnessed 2 in this house get it!
don't worry, Meaghan wont turn into a chicken ^_^
Malts Paws
Oh No! It's a good thing you are there to watch over her and keep her safe if she does turn into a chicken! I think she will be ok!
I liked your 7X7, I posted one too the other day.
Take care and have a great weekend!
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